These easy healthy einkorn drop biscuits are a perfect recipe to whip up in less than 30 minutes. This perfect quick biscuit recipe makes it a family breakfast staple or the match to any pot of soup on a cold day. Any beginner to einkorn flour is going to find this einkorn drop biscuit recipe a great way to add nutritious einkorn to the meal plan rotation.

Being from the south, we love drop biscuits. Typically though, biscuits are made with awful oils that are toxic for our bodies. So years ago I set out to figure out how the beloved southern staple could actually be made healthy. That is when I discovered using yogurt in biscuits.
Next I wanted to try to bring Einkorn Flour into my normal recipes. Einkorn Flour can typically be eaten symptom free in those with gluten issues. Einkorn Flour still has gluten, but since it is the original wheat and has not be hybrized over time, the body does not seem to react to Einkorn’s gluten like the gluten in today’s highly modifed wheat.
This is my go-to quick drop biscuit recipe when I need to get supper on the table fast. I pair it with a side of scramble eggs to really boost the protein and help the kids not be hungry so soon.
What Does Yogurt Do in Drop Biscuits
Yogurt keeps baked goods nice and moist, while the yogurt gives the biscuit that subtle craveable tangy buttermilk taste. The yogurt is also going to help the biscuits rise by activating the baking soda that is in the baking powder.
Why is Einkorn Healthier than Regular All-Purpose Flour
Einkorn is the original wheat. All other types of wheat have been mixed with another type of grass, like wheat grass etc. Einkorn is most easily recognized by our bodies and is typically least resisted by our immune system.
It has been said that even those with gluten issues can eat Einkorn without the typical issues they have from eating gluten.
Then there is the nutritional composition has a higher protein content than regular flour, and it offers 3-4 times more beta-carotene, 2x the vitamin A, and 4x the antioxidants lutein and riboflavin.
Why Baking with Einkorn is Different than Regular All-Purpose Flour
Einkorn absorbs liquid slower than regular wheat. Typically you should add slightly more liquid to the recipe and give the recipe 10 minutes of so to rest and absorb the liquid to make the dough easier to work with.
How to Grind the Einkorn Wheat Berries
In this YouTube short you will see my opening a new 40 pound of Mockmill Einkorn Berries. This the best price I have found. I store them in these buckets.
I have a mill that is typically back ordered, but if I had to buy a wheat mill today I would go with a Mockmill Grain Mill.
I grind the wheat on the super fine setting and this quickly gives me fresh wheat to bake with.
If You Don’t Have a Wheat Grinder:
If you don’t have a wheat grinder a great place to get Einkorn pre-ground is Thrive Market. I found their prices to be better than Jovial or Whole Foods. Between buying diapers and Jovial’s Einkorn Flour Thrive Market is definitely worth the yearly membership. Here is 40% off your first order so you can load up on a bunch of bags of jovial’s einkorn flour.
Why You Will Love This Recipe:
Easy: It is hard to mess up this einkorn drop biscuit recipe. The only way you could mess it up is leaving out the baking powder (which would give you flat biscuits haha I would know because I have accidently done that, but guess what we still ate them).
Fast: 30 minutes of less guarenteed, which is perfect when you need a hearty quickbread to fill hungry tummies.
Healthy: Packed with nutrients so there is no guilt with these einkorn drop biscuits
TIPS for Einkorn Drop Biscuits:
Mix Dry Ingredients FIRST
Really work the cold butter into the flour, before adding the yogurt and goat cheese. Here I dumped all the wet ingredients in together, but squeezing the butter into the flour works best, BEFORE adding the yogurt and the goat cheese.

Cold Butter is Important
You want the butter to be cold in this recipe. The butter doesn’t need to be frozen or room temperature, just COLD.
Cut it into little pieces and work it with your fingers into the flour.
KEY: Make Sure Cast Iron is Preheated
Once pre-heated as a tablespoon of butter to the skill and then drop the biscuits in the skillet with a spoon or a cookie dough scoop.
The biscuits can be put close together in the skillet.

Size Can Vary Depending on What You Want for Drop Biscuits

Tools You Need:
Healthy Einkorn Drop Biscuits

Healthy drop biscuits are actually possible with this high protein einkorn drop biscuit recipe. The yogurt plus the high protein content of these biscuit keep my kids full for awhile, especially when served with some eggs.
- 2 cups Einkorn Flour
- 3 tsp. Baking Powder (Aluminum Free)
- 2 tsp. Salt
- 1 cup Full Fat Organic Plain Yogurt
- 4 tbsp. COLD Butter, sliced into small pieces (our favorite is Kerrygold)
- 1 extra tbsp of butter for skillet
- 4 tbsp. Goat Cheese, crumbled
1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit and place a cast iron in the oven.
2. Combine the dry ingredients together in a bowl and mix with a fork.
3. Add butter to the dry ingredients and squeeze the butter into the dry ingredients until it crumbles.
4. After the butter has crumbled, add the yogurt and goat cheese and mix with your hands until the consistency isn't crumbly, but a little wet.
Keep bottom of bowl for left over dry ingreidents. If still dry add a little more yogurt. Einkorn absorbs liquid slower, so aim for slightly wetter than extra dry.
5. Remove HOT cast iron and add a tablespoon of butter to coat the surface of the cast iron.
6. Use a spoon or scoop to drop biscuits into place. It is ok for biscuits to touch in pan
7. Bake for 16-20 mins until biscuits are a little brown on top.
- These are forgiving, so no stress. If it's too wet add a bit of flour, and if it's too dry add a bit of yogurt.
- Einkorn absorbs liquid slower, so to make sure the biscuits won't be too dry you can let the mixture sit for 10 minutes and see if the mixture needs a a little more yogurt
- Can also just put the whole biscuit dough into the cast iron and make it like cornbread and cut it into slices.
- You don't have to have greek yogurt, but make sure it is unflavored preferably full fat yogurt.