Happy Friday!
Can you believe we are almost halfway through the year? I feel like I just went away with Matt to Black Mountain, NC to plan our year, and BOOM here we are in June.
What dreams did you have at the beginning of the year? Have you taken any messy action yet?
One aim Matt and I had was to stop overanalyzing projects (paralysis by analysis- anybody else relate?) and start taking messy action.
One dream we have had for a while is to get chickens in our backyard (Just a 10-year dream for my husband 🙃).
Finally, Finally! We got chickens and a little chicken coop! We have no idea what we are doing, but it sure does feel good to get a dream started.
Here are some I of Is to help YOU take messy action and make the rest of this year count for you:
Ideas for Intentionality
Declutter to Get Your Time Back: I am telling you, I decluttered 12 MASSIVE black trash bags full of clothes. I had no idea there was so much to declutter because we truly don’t buy that many clothes. It has made the biggest difference in the amount of manageable laundry I have. This course was the motivation I needed to get going and STAY going to finish the job.
Calendar: This is a basic monthly calendar, but I like seeing the month at a glance without the weekly view. And this calendar starts in June, so if what you are using currently isn’t working this one might be good for the rest of the year.
Devo for Couple’s Meeting: If you need a little bump for your marriage, this little devotional might be a help. For the last couple of years, if I am feeling frustrated at Matt I will go and pick up this devotional and read a couple of pages. This little book always reminds me that Matt isn’t my enemy, but rather my best friend. And that we are on the same team trying to do big things for our family TOGETHER.
Audio Book: Have your thoughts been negative or even a bit hopeless at times? I have had this audiobook playing all week while I washed dishes, and it is FULL of hard-earned wisdom. One of my favorite parts of this book is the experts he interviews after every chapter. I have been a big fan of mindset since I got my master’s in Sport Psych, but I am not a fan of woo-woo manifesting. This book gets it right.
More Energy: Been feeling blah? Getting more protein has helped me feel better while nursing. Mixing 40g of clean REAL protein (1 scoop (24g + 2 cups (16g) of raw milk) in either a shaker or blended in a mixer with some ice is an easy way to nourish yourself well. Since it’s been getting hot outside, I have been enjoying the protein powder blended with ice or fruit. I am a fan of these 3 flavors: peanut butter chocolate (with some frozen bananas), vanilla (with any berries and yogurt), and actually, the chai is super yummy just mixed with milk and ice.
My BIG Goal: I realized that Lord willing I have 412 weeks left with my oldest until he will strike out on his own. My BIG audacious goal is that I would love to help him memorize 500 scriptures before he leaves my home. I have been walking through this book doing one verse a week with my kids. I like how the author gives a story to go with each verse and the fun facts about the verse help the verse to go a bit deeper.
Sending love,
P.S. YouTube Videos that are coming your way soon: Newborn Favorites, 10 Books that Have Changed My Motherhood, Tips for Postpartum, and How to Get Unstuck in Your Motherhood. Monday at 10 am comes a new YouTube video for you
Pregnant P.S. So many birth courses focus on breathing, pushing positions, or how to make your birth plan. Those are helpful topics, but what about how your brain interprets pain, how to flex your faith in birth, or how to mentally walk into birth with less fear? My goal is that every woman who takes Labor Without Fear would feel so confident in their birth prep that they would be thinking more about getting their baby in their arms, than any discomfort that may come with birth. Come join 70+ women who have birthed with less fear.