In the world of fear and pain that surrounds the topic of natural birth, I would love to add my story to the mix and give a different take. If you are coming across this post looking for hope that birth could be a positive experience, I am here to tell you it can. After 4 natural out of the hospital births, I can say it is possible to have a good positive birth experience.
I understand that there are no guarantees, God does not promise health and wealth like many false gospels promise. But I can say that your heart can be prepared for Jesus to walk with you through this experience and there is an opportunity to walk in surrender through the unknown and the pain.
I have included a link to the video of my birth story of my 4th child. The best stuff is towards to end of the video so hang on for the best nuggets to help you through this process.
You really can do this. Your body was made to do this and your baby was made to do this. Birth has been one of the best and most challenging experiences of my life, but I can say I know my savior more because of this journey.
Want more help? Here are some other videos that may help you in this journey