I am so excited for you to have a plan that will keep you consistently in the Bible for the next 21 weeks! You should have been sent a copy of the Journaling through John Guide. If not simply check your spam or promotions folders of your email and add girlteachme@gmail.com to your contacts. If that does not work, shoot me an email and I will be happy to send you another copy.
This Bible Study is best if you spend some time each week writing out a chapter of John. If you have never written out a whole book of the Bible it really is life-changing.
Every time you ever hear a sermon and the book of John is mentioned you will forever understand that the book of John was written by an eyewitness to the life of Jesus and is meant to prove that Jesus is in fact the Son of God.
Writing is also such a powerful tool for studying the Bible.
I love this old proverb, ‘Thoughts disentangle themselves when passing over the lips and through the finger tips’
It can be so easy to rush through our time in the Word and not be able to recall what we studyed. But when you slow down and write out the Word and even journal through your takeaways.
The Word can go down into your heart and your mind. And the goal for every Christian is how can I get as much of God’s Word into me. There inside of us, His Word changes us little by little, to look, believe and live more like Christ.
I hope you will take me up on the challenge to write out the whole book of John. You can do it! I have so many other women have taken this challenge and finished strong.
Don’t Go Alone
A word of warning though, most of those women did not do it alone. So I encourage you to rally some of your gals and do this together. Maybe you lead a group or maybe you simply host and someone else facilitates your time together.
You make it your own, but research has shown that when you make your goals public you are significantly more likely to stick with it. Many of the women who have finished this challenge actually posted an update each week on Instagram showing their chapter written and tagged @girlteachme each time.
If you chose to do this, I would love to see your progress and even chat with you in dms about how it is going and what your takeaways are. Also, I have a private Facebook group you can click here to get access to where you are welcome to share your progress as well.
FREE 20+ Videos for You
I have included a video for each week of the Journaling through John Challenge. The purpose of the video to give you historical background, clarification on some fuzzy terms and even some of my personal takeaways from each chapter.
The videos are certainly no replacement for the revelation that God can give you through your time in the Word, so don’t shortchange yourself and just watch the videos.
Just bookmark this page in your phone or on your computer or save the link to the YouTube playlist on a note in your phone so you can always easily access the next video. The videos are hidden on my YouTube, but easily accessed with your link. https://bit.ly/JTJVideo
I would love to hear from you as you go through the book of John!
Grateful for You,
Lana from Girl, Teach Me