Have you ever thought about ditching your smartphone? 🤔
I thought about it, bought a dumb phone, and it sat under my bed for 6+ months in its box…until my iPhone broke this week. I needed that last push, I guess. The one piece that seemed to trip me up was maps. But I just bought an old school Garmin gps that worked fine.
I will keep you all posted on the process, but I have officially switched over to the light phone.
Here are my favorites from my first week with no smartphone:
Ideas for Intentionality:
Chore Motivation: My kids want to play, but there is work to do. So I have been trying this, “I want to play Sequence with you all, but I am going to need teamwork in drying these dishes.” They jumped into action (mostly haha) and it did give them a vision that mama has a lot to do, but if we work together mama can play more. I did this one and this one with my 3, 6, and 8-year-old. And this one with my two oldest while the others napped.
Smoothie Recipe and Hacks: Made what we call banana swirl (milk, frozen bananas, scoop of chocolate peanut butter powder). Put the extra smoothie into these molds to make popsicles. So yummy! And these smoothie straws make clean up so much easier.
Bone Broth: I realized I had fallen off the wagon with soups. Yes, it’s summer, BUT soup feeds sooo many people for so little. So I made a big batch of bone broth. Here is one my first YouTube videos I ever made, teaching you how to take leftover bones (my family knows never to toss meat bones-just freeze them!) and make nourishing broth. I don’t sip on this broth, but use it as a base for soups. These soup freezer molds are what I am freezing them in.
Finished Book: I finished Man in Search of Meaning and, while I don’t agree with 100% everything, the second half was so motivating and fascinating! Frankl argues that so much of suicide, depression and addiction starts with a feeling of meaninglessness. Frankl won’t tell you the meaning of life, but he will tell how badly everyone needs meaning in their lives.
Kid’s FAV Book this Week: My kids begged to read this book over and over. They love spotting new things on the pages and even playing iSpy in the home. This book will make you feel normal, because the house isn’t perfect inside, it’s a HOME.
Quote and Thought: “Saying yes to life in spite of everything.”(Frankl)
In spite of the piles of dishes, laundry, discipline moments, heartbreaks, fights, unexpected expenses, car repairs, heart repairs…life just isn’t easy at times, but in spite of all the challenges. Say yes to life today!
Sending love,
P.S. I am putting together a blog post on favorite old movies that are fun for kids to watch. Send me your old favorites and I will give you credit in the post! Just hit reply to this email. And thank you to every one of you who responded to the survey for the free class my husband and I are planning for the fall!
Pregnant P.S. I made this video last year to help you avoid the expensive cost of maternity clothes with some of my favorite pregnancy wardrobe hacks.