Happy Friday!
Want to stop feeling like you are being pulled behind a truck when it comes to your parenting, marriage, or just in life?
A feeling of…I don’t want to be doing what I am doing, but I feel powerless to do anything about it. I know the feeling well.
I didn’t realize that I was living this way for so many years. I think my intentions were good…(most of the time.) I wanted to keep the peace and be easy to get along with. But what I was doing was being passive and abdicating from the decisions I needed to make.
This week I am sharing some Ideas for Intentionality that can help you take extreme ownership of what God has placed you in charge of, which is a lot!
This week let’s talk about our health because it impacts us all and if we aren’t healthy, it is hard to show up well for those we love:
Ideas for Intentionality:
7 minutes: There is something about the number 7 that seems easy. Set a 7-minute timer and MOVE. What are 3 exercises you can do for 1 minute? Choose them and do them 2-ish times? I use these bands to do a bunch of holds at home that burn my booty, but make a big difference.
Losing Weight: Whew, this is a tricky topic with women! There is so much body hatred out there and no weight that unlocks personal happiness. And yet, carrying extra weight zaps our energy. When I find myself with some weight to lose I always pick back up and start re-reading this book.
(My trusted BFF gym owner out in LA uses this book to help her group fitness clients lose weight, so that’s why it has been a trusted resource for me.)
Good, Better, Best: We can’t always get the BEST when it comes to the products we buy. Our budget doesn’t always allow for it, but we can always do better. Learning to read and decode ingredients is KEY. Did you know that is how Just Ingredients got her name? She was teaching women to read labels and only trust the ingredients, not the fake “healthy” claims on the packaging. I use this cookbook from her all the time for healthier recipes.
Yall’s Pick Me Up: I love hearing from you all! Nicole messaged me this week and said,
“I snagged some Strawberry Limeade electrolytes during the recent Just Ingredients sale, and it has been the perfect “pick me up” when I feel low energy. 🙂 Thanks for the recommendation!”
Nicole, I love that electrolyte flavor too! 😍
HUGE Mindset shift: Instead of blaming someone or something for all the reasons we can’t make healthy choices, we can focus on what is within our control. The kind of food we bring in the house, the amount we put on a plate, how many 7-minute movement goals we hit, and just being thankful for the body we have been given to care for.
Sending love,
P.S. Need some reading materials that will lift the lid off what you previously believed was possible for your life? Check out this post and the 10 books that have made me better!
Pregnant P.S. Here is the birth story from my very first birth out of five. My first baby turned 10 this week! There is so much I wish I had known then, that I know now about birth. That is WHY I am so passionate about birth and want you to feel ready to birth when your time comes. t is WHY I am so passionate about birth and want you to feel ready to birth when your time comes. If you are pregnant and want a better birth experience, let me save you having to learn the hard way like I did and consider taking my birth course. Talk about controlling what you can control, over 80 women have taken their birth prep head on and invested in this course.