Happy Friday!
Here are some of the most helpful action items my husband and I have been doing for our finances lately (because, if you didn’t know, we geek 🤓 over helping friends with finances).
- We send each other a daily text with what we have in checking, savings etc. just so we have awareness with where we are in relation to payday
- We separated our fixed expenses into one checking account and our food/extras into another checking account. This has been HUGE and freeing to not have to worry about overdrafting, because water comes out etc.
- We automated our savings twice a month for the day after payday. The money goes into a savings account, and we don’t have to make the bi-weekly decision, it just happens! Automate what you want to replicate!
We have more tips to share in the future, but these are a couple of tips that have helped us recently!
Here are some more Ideas for Intentionality to help us get intentional about all the money the Lord has given us to take care.
It is all His resources, entrusted to us!
Ideas for Intentionality:
Great Financial QuickRead: This little quickread book is geared towards women and I appreciate how many simple actionable tips she gives. I got the idea for my husband and I to text each other the balance of our bank accounts from this handy little book.
Sandpaper Letters for Teaching ABCS: I have REALLY enjoyed these sturdy little cards that can add a sensory layer to learning. I have some kiddos with dyslexia, so I am on a journey myself of expanding my teaching toolbox.
1) Step into Your God-Given Potential: 5 Steps for Christian Moms to Set Powerful Goals
2) Beauty is Fleeting: Culture’s Obsession with Beauty, When is it Enough?
My Orders This Week: Just ordered some more foundation from Toups and Co, some Seabuckthorn (crazy mouthfull haha) cleanser that takes my makeup off but leaves my skin so soft, and a new jar of tallow for my face, hands and all the kids’ dry noses.
New Blog Post: 10 Unique Ways to Use Protein Powder. I share 10 different recipes that use protein powder. Adding protein to meals has so many benefits, but one is that protein can help stabilize blood sugar levels by slowing the release of glucose into the bloodstream.
Sending love,
P.S. Good News! I asked for prayer on me finding my phone and it was found, but not where I would have ever looked for it! See the story at the end of this email. And for anyone who shot up a prayer for my phone, THANK YOU! I know God cares about the small and big things.
Pregnant P.S. A Labor Without Fear student had her baby this week! An older nurse told her that she had never seen someone so relaxed in active labor. And she was a first time mom! So excited for her and proud that she took the time to prepare as much as she could going into birth. Birth can be wild, but our preparation is one thing we can control.
What Else Have I Been Up To:

New YouTube Videos

Picture of the Week:
On literally the last day of looking for my phone before I was going to order a new one, I get this picture from my husband while he was in D.C. with my boys.

My phone that had been missing for a month was found in my husband’s dress coat pocket when he took the boys to D.C. for the inauguration! I guess it got put in his dress coat pocket when we went to the Christmas Eve Service this year. It was a strange month without a phone, but honestly, I learned so much from it. AND…
I am so glad to have a phone again!