Happy Friday,
It can be easy to give up on our goals when the storms of life hit us. That is why I love this quote so much:
“The same wind blows on us all; the winds of disaster, opportunity, and change. Therefore, it is not the blowing of the wind, but the setting of the sails that will determine our direction in life.” –Jim Rohn
I believe it is our response to the winds of life that changes so much!
You might be going through some really strong winds, my friend, praying that in Jesus’ power you can set a sail of gratitude, dependence on the Lord, and an attitude of grace and grit for the days to come.
Here are my Ideas for Intentionality to help you on your mama journey this week:
Ideas for Intentionality:
If You Are Having a Hard Time: This book is a constant reminder for me to suffer well. I can turn to any page in this book and read a couple of paragraphs and be encouraged!
If You Feel Like Your Beauty is Fading: I share my heart on how our culture lifts up beauty, but what about cultivating the beauty that never fades?
If You Are Tired of Winter: In this video I share some ways you can flip your mindset about winter and actually see how winter is a time that can be enjoyed too!
Recent Orders I Am Enjoying:
Clean Foundation: I got my refill of foundation in the mail from Toups and Co, if you are ordering the first time I recommend getting their little tester set to determine your color. I am Gulf Sand in the summer, but a blend of Gulf Sand and Sea Oats right now.
Dreamy Smelling Tallow: My kids’ noses are so dry inside from the heat in the house, so I am having them rub some of this on the inside of their noses and my 10-year-old was so giddy about it because he said it smells sooo good! And it does!
Boy’s New Game: Did you ever play Stratego growing up? It is a blend of chess, battleship and capture the flag. My 10 and 8-year-old boys are enjoying this strategic game and I love that it is making them think and keeping them busy while its cold outside.
Souper Cubes: I just did a BIG batch cooking weekend I can’t wait to share with you! I borrowed some extra souper cubes from my friend and then my MIL graciously ordered me some extras. These cubes made it wayyyy easier to freeze soup in gallon freezer bags in a space-saving way.
Sending love,
P.S. Have you seen this funny commercial? Makes me giggle everytime. “Bruh, let me cook.” hahaha
Pregnant P.S. Need some ideas on how to avoid the expensive maternity clothes that honestly never seem to stay in fashion long? I share my top hacks in this video
What else am I working on?
Video of the Week:
Picture of the Week:
This just made me giggle…Corrie got quiet. You know a little too quiet and then I found this. This kinda thing used to be frustrating, but just little signs of this season of life for me. Hope it makes you feel normal if you have littles too.